Weekend review

on Sunday, January 11, 2009

Now that the holidays are behind us, I try to tackle one task each weekend. This includes household cleaning, arranging furniture, organizing files...you name it. This weekend, I decided to buckle down and organize all of my photos. This is no small task, let me tell ya. So, it's now 1 pm on Sunday and I finally have all my photo files saved on the computer and a file box, neatly organized on my shelf. Here are a few fun pics from this past year...

Shaun and I at White River Amphitheater, September 2008

My neice and I, Summer 2008

Trever, post mohawk

And pre mohawk

Shaun and Trever, cheesin'

Kyle and Shaun, October 2008

It's always fun to go back through old pictures and relive some old memories. Sorry these aren't in any particular order, but it gives a quick view of the Spencer/Cross household from 2008.


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